Thursday 10 March 2011



The feted physical theatre group present a show which turns out to be an idea nicked from a novel by Nabokov or Herman Hesse or someone, as is always the case with physical theatre groups. Anyway, it's business as usual – some over-emoting while two actors pretending to be businessmen discussing female circumcision or similar, and then there's a low, "comedy" bit where another actor comes on doing a funny walk with a fez on and pretends to break wind, and you're supposed to laugh. Then everybody runs about a bit while they play a Rolling Stones song. And there's two hours of this. Oh well, never mind. At least one of the actresses is quite attractive, so you can stare at her and try and take your mind of the rest of it. And there's a bit where she nearly gets her kit off.
Soho Theatre. Monday 18th April. 8.00PM. £12/£10


Who is Jojo? Where did he get that scar on his wrist? What lies behind the yellow door? Why are the men with purple armbands after him? Are they government agents, or something much, much worse? Can brain-damaged Cal have the answer? Or not? Why does this blurb consist entirely of rhetorical questions? Anybody? 

Royal Court. Wednesday 20th April. 8.00PM. £8/£6

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