Friday 11 February 2011


Yes! Every Sunday afternoon your local multiplex will be screening a production live from one of the world's most prestigious theatres. So you can enjoy, from the comfort of the cinema, the kind of thing for which you thought the cinema had been invented so you wouldn't have to see. 

BALLETSylvana – from Covent Garden, the great nineteenth century three-act ballet concerning a Polish cheesemonger's daughter's doomed love for a cursed prince,  in which they dispense with the plot after an act and a half. 

THEATREThe Noble Gentlewoman – from the National Theatre, Tourneur and Massinger's Jacobean Tragedy in which a member of the landed gentry is driven mad by attempts upon her honour by her spurned steward. Boasting sixteen sub-plots, forty-eight deaths, and a comedy bit that's been updated to include references to the austerity measures.

OPERAThe Happy Brigand – from the Met, Donizetti's 189th opera concerning Alberto, the leader of a band of thieves, who has the secret of his birth revealed to him by an old crone, and then swears bloody vengeance on the man who usurped his father, the duke. Including the fiendishly-difficult heroic tenor aria I, Who Am But A Poor Robber, Will Kill This Man and Laugh. Har Har.

FILMThe Magnificent Ambersons – at the Electric Cinema. Enjoy people enjoying the tragically-bowdlerised Welles classic beamed live from Notting Hill's famous Electric Cinema, as they recline in the comfy leather armchairs and sip drinks much too posh for the likes of you.

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